About Rainier View Elementary School
Students will be successful because of Rainier View teachers and staff!

Rainier View Elementary is a diverse learning community committed to student development and achievement scholastically, socially, and emotionally.
Scholastics: Every student meeting and/or exceeding WA State/National grade level expectations in the areas of mathematics, science, reading, writing, technology, social studies, and health and fitness.
Socially: Cultivating citizenship, responsibility, and collaboration with peers and adults
Emotionally: Compassion/empathy for others and self care
Parent Survey Comments
“How personal the staff is. Makes it easy to communicate with them regarding my kids.”
“All the staff knows who we are, which makes things great.”
“I love my son’s teacher, the principal, and the high standards the school is promoting around math and reading. It makes me proud and satisfied to know my child is going to a safe, organized, respectful school.”
“It is good that the school has small focus groups on studies that students are not performing well on. It is definitely helps improve comprehension and test scores.
Education Fundamentals at Rainier View Elementary
Rainier View Elementary Instructional Programs are based from the WA state standards (and beyond) for grades K-5 using research best practice for teaching and learning. Our school pledges to provide a strong academic foundation that enriches every student through personalized and rigorous curricular study. Academics, the arts, sciences, technology, health & fitness, and social skills are all combined into an exceptional school experience.
Curricular Alignment “K-5 Cross Grade Continuity” Literacy: We embrace a balanced literacy approach as the core of our instructional program.
Writing: Rainier View is a Writer’s Workshop School. We utilize Lucy Calkin’s Units of Study to teach and master writing skills and strategies K-5. We collaborate with the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project to support teachers as they nurture student growth.
Mathematics: Rainier View will emphasize high quality math instruction and acceleration opportunities to development pathways to career opportunities in the areas of mathematics, technology, and science. Rainier View uses the district adopted mathematics curriculum Everyday Mathematics.
Technology: Technology usage is a critical skill apart of our world today. Technology at Rainier View will be incorporated into all subject areas.
Science: SPS adopted National Science Foundation (NSF) curriculum.
Health & Fitness: Rainier View is committed to “Five for Life” Health and Fitness Curriculum of SPS.
Research based academic/social interventions: Personalized for individual learners
It is the policy of the Seattle School District to prohibit harassment, intimidation and bullying. This includes direct or indirect electronic, written, oral or physical acts which physically harm a student, substantially interfere with a student’s education, threaten the overall educational environment and/or substantially disrupt the operation of school. To help ensure a safe learning environment for our students, and to help schools enforce this policy, Rainier View Elementary School uses the following researched based anti-bullying program:
Second Steps and Steps to Respect
- Respect and responsibility
- Recognizing and reporting bullying behaviors
- Naming what bullying is and isn’t
- Taking assertive steps to prevent bullying
- The difference between reporting and tattling
- What to do if you or your child is being bullied
If your child is experiencing bullying behaviors at school, here a few actions you should take: Promptly bring the behaviors to the attention of your child’s teacher. The more information you can provide to the teacher, such as the name of the other student or student(s), the date the behaviors took place, and the location, the better. If bullying behavior continues, promptly bring the behaviors to the principal’s attention. This may include asking that a Student Intervention Team meeting be called for your child. If bullying behavior continues, you may file an informal or formal complaint with Principal Jones.
Family Involvement
Our most important partners are our families. We are committed to building strong relationships with every family to learn how we can maximize the educational experience of our students.
Our Mission
- Capture enthusiasm for learning
- Teach to the highest standards
- Inspire ownership of lifelong learning
Our Vision
Rainier View is lighting the path for EVERY child, building a solid foundation for success in elementary, middle, high school and college.
Overall Goal
Our goal at Rainier View is to ensure that all students experience JOY while learning in a safe and inclusive environment that fosters the whole child while accomplishing results.